“Even after all this time the sun never says to the earth, 'You owe me.' Look what happens with a love like that. It lights the whole sky.” – Hāfiz
You know when you have the opportunity to show up for someone just a little more than they show up for you? And you hesitate. Maybe they haven’t done or wouldn’t do the same for you. Maybe you don’t have the time, money, or energy. Or maybe, just maybe, you do...
You think, "Ok fine, I’ll give a little more this time, so maybe I’ll get a little more back next time." But giving while expecting something in return is not the same as just giving. Most advice says, “The more you give, the more you will receive.” This notion, while encouraging generosity, still ties the act of giving to an anticipated return.
When we give with the expectation of receiving, we’re not truly giving, we’re bartering. This form of giving is conditional and can lead us to measure whether our generosity is met with equivalent generosity. How many times have we given and then not received what we thought we would in return, leading to disappointment, resentment, and sometimes a reluctance to give again in the future?
But what if we shifted our perspective on giving? Instead of viewing generosity through the lens of what we could potentially get back, we could embrace the idea of giving simply for the sake of giving.
Imagine being the one to keep in touch with the distant uncle or friend, even if you’re usually the one to reach out. Even if they don't always return the gesture, you find quiet satisfaction in knowing you may have brightened their day and maintained the connection.
Picture giving someone your undivided attention when they tell you about their weekend even if you’re under a lot of stress these days or letting the person behind you in line with fewer groceries go first, even though it’ll delay you by a few extra minutes. You step aside with a smile, and they thank you warmly. The world becomes a bit more considerate, and you feel a sense of calm and satisfaction from knowing you made a difference.
The next time you find yourself hesitating to give a little more than you might receive, consider the power of unconditional generosity. Let’s challenge the notion that giving should be tied to receiving and embrace the idea that true generosity is about giving for the sake of giving. And in doing so, we might just discover the purest form of joy and fulfillment there is.
Join the conversation in the comments section and let’s unlock the good together.
I often have this visual of an imaginary scorecard when reflecting on this concept of giving and receiving. It becomes a contest, whether we recognize in the moment or not.
It is truly magical to me what comes back around when we step out of the “what am I going to get back?” line of thinking.
That's the best advice
Hands down