I've been seeing a lot of "farewell summer" posts on social media lately, and I can't help but ask—why are we in such a rush to move on? It's like we are always being hurried along, from one season to the next, from one task to the next, from one relationship to the next, from one milestone to the next. It’s this relentless push to keep going, to move forward, as if being in the moment is not enough. Honestly, sometimes it feels like the world is determined to rush us through life. But in doing so, what are we missing right here, right now?
Late summer is an underrated gem, often forgotten or rushed through, yet full of its own kind of magic—if we just stop to see it. There is a golden softness in the light now, like we’re being nudged to slow down, take a breath, and just be. The evenings linger a little longer, gifting us with summer sunsets that wash the sky in dreamy pinks, oranges, and purples. The trees are still full and green. And the warmth in the air? It's still here, wrapping around us and reminding us that sweater weather isn’t quite knocking on our door yet. My point is, the world moves fast if we let it and there is no need to rush through it.
I get it. Back-to-school pictures and ads are everywhere. The thought of crisp, fall weather is creeping in, and it can be tempting to fast-forward to what is next. But maybe that rush to move forward is just a way to avoid the in-between; where things are neither here nor there, whether it’s the transition between summer and fall, the lull between milestones, or that uncertain period between where you are and where you want to be. I think the in-between is where the growth happens, where we learn to find the beauty in the uncertainty, and where we learn to be patient while we wait.
So, what if we resist the pull and stay present? Whether it’s the season, the month, the day, or even just this exact moment—what if we fully lean into it? Life is not a race, and there is no gold medal waiting for whoever speeds through it the fastest. So, take a breath, slow down, and remind yourself: it’s still summer, still September, still right now… You’ve got time.
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There is always something to appreciate wherever we are.
Let's slow down intentionally & just enjoy it.
Beautiful message. <3
I love this so much 🧡 And I couldn’t agree more. I see this too as we are starting to enter spring here, the 1st September everyone was like…Spring is here! As if overnight we change from winter to spring. But if we look to the Earth for guidance it is a slow, gradual unfolding. Thank you for your words & musings Alexandria, always a pleasure to read xx