There is always something to appreciate wherever we are.

Let's slow down intentionally & just enjoy it.

Beautiful message. <3

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I couldn’t agree more. Thank you for your support! 💛

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I love this so much 🧡 And I couldn’t agree more. I see this too as we are starting to enter spring here, the 1st September everyone was like…Spring is here! As if overnight we change from winter to spring. But if we look to the Earth for guidance it is a slow, gradual unfolding. Thank you for your words & musings Alexandria, always a pleasure to read xx

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I love how you put that. The slow, gradual unfolding is such a beautiful way to see it. Nature really does show us how to embrace the natural changes and transitions of life. Thank you for sharing that perspective, and I’m glad my words resonated with you. It’s always a pleasure to connect and reflect together. Enjoy Springtime! It always feels like a fresh start.. 💛🦋 xx

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Awww this is beautiful!! I agree with you!

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Thank you for reading!

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I really appreciate your support, Velicia!

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I agree! I hate that rushing feeling from one season to the next. How can I enjoy life and those special moments if there's always someone telling me to keep moving and faster?

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Right!? I think it's about finding little pockets of stillness, even when life feels hectic.. Slowing down isn’t always easy, but it's so important to really feel grounded in our lives. 💛

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Late Summer is probably my favourite time of year. Autumn arrives when it wants to, the leaves change, the air changes, and the date varies every year. So for me, it's autumn when my senses observe it happening all around me.

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I agree. I’m learning to savor. That goes with the seasons, the in-betweens and milestones when they come. Thanks for this.

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i just exhales, out loud, reading this. i didn't even realize i'd been holding my breath.

i'm always trying to do every single thing i enjoy every day that sometimes i don't enjoy any of it.

your post is a good reminder to let it all slow down

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i take my time with everything. i'm late well i'll get there eventually and safely. i missed a flight, whens the next one? (this ones only happened twice lol). i love the message of slowing down, we're not admiring da art all around us. whats that quote? life happens fast if you don't stop and look around you might miss it.

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Loved this. I just want to live a slower pace of life in general.

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Thank you for stopping by + sharing with your network, James! Means a lot.

What would that look like for you? I can definitely relate. I like to find ways to savor the moments in each day.. So whether it's slower mornings, taking the time to enjoy a meal vs rushing through, or simply stepping outside to get a breath of fresh air -- I really try to be intentional about carving out those little pockets of peace and grounding throughout the day.

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I feel like taking the time to enjoy what’s going on now matters a lot as we reflect on that later. And so we don’t become very pressured with what to find in life.

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Yes!! There's magic in the moment right here, right now. 💛

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I live in picturesque Rocky🏔️Mountain town that people spend so much to come & visit with a world class trout stream 🎣 world class skiing ⛷️ & mountain biking 🚵 & near by hot springs & so much… anytime I get the moody blues as the depressive person I can tend to be… I simply walk outside anywhere & just appreciate all the shit around Me & that I get to live here while others only get to visit. How with all the ugly in the world 🌏 there is still so much wonder & beauty.

I know I live in a serious bubble 🫧 here, but I am grateful.

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It's so nice to hear about your beautiful home. Nature never fails to remind us of all the beauty that exists in the world. And how lucky you are to enjoy connecting with nature every day! I don't get as much of that living in NYC :) but we have some beautiful parks and killer skyline views that always take my breath away. I am very blessed.

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“Space” can feel frightening to many, but it can be such a beautiful opportunity for deep feeling and reflection.

I’ve found myself BEing in the present so much lately. With myself, with others, with the world around me. It’s helped me realize the stark contrast from those moments where I am indeed rushing through to the next.

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That's such a beautiful realization. Space can definitely feel intimidating at first, but it's amazing how it opens up room for truly BEing present. It’s in those quieter moments that we often discover the most about ourselves and the world around us. And I think there's something so powerful about embracing that stillness and really letting it guide us.. Always a pleasure hearing your perspective, Cole!

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I absolutely love this and resonate deeply. Thank you for sharing 🫶🏾✨

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Thank you for reading and supporting, Jasmine! 🫶🏾✨ It’s always so nice to find someone who feels the same way.

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