“Even after all this time the sun never says to the earth, 'You owe me.' Look what happens with a love like that. It lights the whole sky.” – Hāfiz You know when you have the opportunity to show up for someone just a little more than they show up for you? And you hesitate. Maybe they haven’t done or wouldn’t do the same for you. Maybe you don’t have the time, money, or energy. Or maybe, just maybe, you do...
I often have this visual of an imaginary scorecard when reflecting on this concept of giving and receiving. It becomes a contest, whether we recognize in the moment or not.
It is truly magical to me what comes back around when we step out of the “what am I going to get back?” line of thinking.
In my experience, giving generously has made me tired because I wasn’t first unconditionally generous to myself. I think directing love towards myself is an essential first step I missed in getting to where this article suggests.
This is so beautiful 💫💫 I was talking to a friend about this exact thing. I’m going to do my very best to embody it fully, thank you for your words & reflections 🙏🏼🤍
This was such a necessary reminder for me to hear. My natural instinct is to just give just because If I have the means then why not? But sometimes I let others reluctance to do sway me
A good example is when it’s someone’s birthday, my natural instinct is to tell than happy birthday rather than question if they told me happy birthday and let that decide if I should do it.
It screams ingenious
I don’t wanna be a person who creates connection based of transactional relating
I often have this visual of an imaginary scorecard when reflecting on this concept of giving and receiving. It becomes a contest, whether we recognize in the moment or not.
It is truly magical to me what comes back around when we step out of the “what am I going to get back?” line of thinking.
So so true!! There's joy and freedom in letting go of that imaginary scorecard... 💛
I like to think about it like a bank account. When I give, I'm depositing into my own bank account. And that's all that matters!
Love this so much, Amanda! 🥰
That's the best advice
Hands down
So happy to hear this. Thank you for reading, Edward!
In my experience, giving generously has made me tired because I wasn’t first unconditionally generous to myself. I think directing love towards myself is an essential first step I missed in getting to where this article suggests.
I totally agree, Ian. It's so important to fill our own cup first before we can pour into others. 🌟 Thank you for joining the conversation.
This is so beautiful 💫💫 I was talking to a friend about this exact thing. I’m going to do my very best to embody it fully, thank you for your words & reflections 🙏🏼🤍
And I'll be right there with you doing my best too!! xx
This was such a necessary reminder for me to hear. My natural instinct is to just give just because If I have the means then why not? But sometimes I let others reluctance to do sway me
A good example is when it’s someone’s birthday, my natural instinct is to tell than happy birthday rather than question if they told me happy birthday and let that decide if I should do it.
It screams ingenious
I don’t wanna be a person who creates connection based of transactional relating