Many would say the day you entered the world and took your first breath is just another ordinary day. I could not disagree with that more. That day is the beginning of you and birthdays are a celebration of you — your beauty, your complexity, and everything that makes you who you were, who you are, and who you are becoming. Birthdays are a reminder that life is full of boundless possibilities and that each new year is a chance to reinvent, rediscover, and refine your path forward.
This newsletter should hit your inbox on my 28th birthday. Although getting older fills me with mixed emotions, being alive is a blessing and a privilege. It is exciting and scary to say goodbye to “what was” and then simultaneously welcome “what is now” and “what could be.” Today feels like a new beginning and an ending to the years before it. I am reminded of the impermanence of life and the preciousness of each moment.
I admit that with each new year, I used to feel a slight sense of wistfulness as I witnessed my youth gradually slipping away. This sense of loss was compounded by the societal pressure on women to maintain a youthful appearance. Industries profit from, and actively fuel our insecurity, starting from childhood — queue “Sephora Kids.” In our beauty-obsessed society, it can be challenging to break free from these chains and truly embrace all that comes with getting older. We can hardly go a day without seeing content about aging gracefully or how to reduce, reverse, and hide the signs of aging. The constant stream of advice and tips on how to appear younger serves as a reminder of the high value our society places on appearing youthful. And while some of this content is empowering, much of it reinforces the notion that aging is something to be resisted rather than embraced.
Don’t get me wrong, I think people should do whatever they want to feel their best and look their best; whether it’s pilates, eating clean, or getting Botox. But if the motivating factor is a fear of losing your youthful appearance, I question whether it’s worthwhile. My parents always taught me that aging is a blessing to experience, though not always easy, and a privilege worth embracing, not resisting.
Each year, I feel more grounded and grateful, stronger, and wiser. I’ve seen more, loved more, and yes, lost a bit along the way too. I’ve uncovered new layers of myself and the world around me. I’m cherishing the deeper connections I’ve built and stepping forward with a newfound clarity and confidence in what I want—and what I don’t—in my life.
I’m stepping into 28 with my arms wide open and a heart full of gratitude. Sure, I’m getting closer to 30, and yeah, the wellness routine is getting stronger, but today…? Today, I’m just excited and thankful to be here, living my best 28-year-old life. And I have always believed in celebrating birthdays in a big way. Birthday celebrations not only mark another year gone by, but they also give us a chance to pause and honor our journey, to recognize how far we have come, and to set the tone for the year ahead. So, as I mark another year, I’ll be celebrating with people I love and I hope you take a moment to celebrate your own path, too. After all, every day is worth celebrating and another opportunity to become who you want to be.
Join the conversation in the comments section and let’s unlock the good together.
I just turned 27 and had many of the same reflections. Well put, happy birthday!
I'm 72. With a little bit of luck, life does get better as you get older. I'm happier now than I've ever been.